Department of Soil, Water, and Climate
PhD, Environmental Science Policy Management, University of California Berkeley, 2004
Research Interests
Biogeochemistry of metals in pristine and contaminated systems; partitioning of metals among gas, aqueous, solid, and biological phases in the environment; transport, bioavailability, and fate of metals in natural systems such as the ocean, lakes, sediments, aquifers, and soil.
In her research, Brandy Toner addresses chemical and biological processes that result in the cycling of metals in the environment. Brandy approaches these processes from the perspective of metal speciation: What is the form of the metal, and how will its form affect transport, fate, and bioavailability? The Toner lab uses analytical approaches from the disciplines of inorganic chemistry and material science to measure the partitioning of metals among gas, aqueous, solid, and biological phases in the environment.