Visual Science

Visual Science

Linda Kinkel's research focuses on the ecology of microbial communities in native prairie and agricultural soils. Kinkel's work on the ecology and evolutionary biology of streptomycetes and other antibiotic producing bacteria has potential applications in the...

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Ben Shen

Ben Shen

Ben Shen Scripps Leveraging a large microbial strain collection for natural products studies Scripps Florida houses one of the world’s largest actinobacterial strain collections, totaling >125,00 strains. These strains were isolated over the last eight decades and...

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Michi Taga

Michi Taga

Michi Taga University of California, Berkeley Corrinoids in Communities: Nutrient sharing in the microbial world Microbial communities inhabit nearly all environments on earth. These communities are often composed of hundreds or more species that form networks of...

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Ariel Furst

Ariel Furst

Event DetailsAriel Furst Massachusetts Institute of Technology WebsiteBio-derived materials for sustainability & environmental remediation Significant effort has been devoted to developing chemistries to effectively mimic biological processes. Despite decades of...

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