Programs & Initiatives

Biotechnology Resource Center

Biocatalysis Initiative

The BioTechnology Institute is home to the University of Minnesota Biocatalysis Initiative. The Biocatalysis Initiative was created to focus and fund research in the areas of industrial biocatalysis and chemical biotechnology – biological processes which promise a safer and more sustainable future.

Click here for more information on the Biocatalysis Initiative.

Graduate Program in Microbial Engineering

The M.S. Degree in Microbial Engineering (MicE) was instituted in 1984 to meet the demand in biotechnology industries for employees with advanced training in a combination of microbiology, molecular biology, immunology, and chemical engineering. Graduate faculty from the various departments within the University participate in the program by teaching courses and advising students. The program draws both national and international students and on average, accepts five students into the program annually.

Click here for more information on the MicE program.

BTI Exchange Program

In 1996 BTI established a formal exchange with Nara institute of Science and Technology (NAIST) located in western Japan. Three to four students from each institute participate annually in the exchange. The students are assigned to a specific laboratory based on their research interests, with the intent of learning new skills and techniques. Students from the host laboratory also become cultural mentors for the visitors. Lasting professional and personal bonds are forged in the process. The BTI-NAIST program has provided the occasion for over 100 students and faculty to experience each other’s cultures.

Click here for more information on the BTI-NAIST exchange.

Biotechnology Training Grant

In place at the University of Minnesota since 1990, this program has brought together gifted graduate students and faculty trainers from many different disciplines. Each year, this program financially sponsors sixteen select students from designated graduate programs and enriches their traditional studies by an additional emphasis on cross-disciplinary courses, collaborative research, industrial and global interactions, ethics training, and specialized retreats and seminars.

Click here for more information on the training grant.