Microbial Physiology and Systems Biology Directory

Headshot of Jannell Bazurto Jannell Bazurto

Assistant Professor, Department of Plant and Microbial Biology

Microbial Engineering Graduate Program

Microbial physiology and systems biology

Regulatory mechanisms that allow organisms to thrive on potently toxic metabolites; bacterial physiology, metabolic stress, methylobacterium.

Portrait of Sebastian Behrens Sebastian Behrens

Associate Professor, Department of Civil, Environmental, and Geo-Engineering

Microbial Engineering Graduate Program

Bioremediation and resource recovery, Industrial biotechnology and bioprocessing, Microbial physiology and systems biology

Microbial processes for bioremediation of (in)organic environmental contaminants and the recovery of resources from municipal/industrial wastes

Portrait of Daniel Bond Daniel Bond

Professor, Department of Plant and Microbial Biology

Microbial Engineering Graduate Program

Microbial physiology and systems biology

Physiology and functional genomics of dissimilatory metal-reducing bacteria; Microbial interactions with electrodes

Portrait of Kathryn Fixen Kathryn Fixen

Assistant Professor, Department of Plant and Microbial Biology

Microbial Engineering Graduate Program

Biomanufacturing, Bioremediation and resource recovery, Computational biology, Microbial physiology and systems biology, Synthetic biology

Jeff Gralnick headshot Jeff Gralnick

Professor, Department of Plant and Microbial Biology

Microbial Engineering Graduate Program

Microbial physiology and systems biology, Synthetic biology

Microbial physiology, synthetic biology, geomicrobiology

Portrait of Trinity Hamilton Trinity Hamilton

Associate Professor, Department of Plant and Microbial Biology

Microbial Engineering Graduate Program

Bioremediation and resource recovery, Computational biology, Microbial physiology and systems biology

Microbial photosynthesis and biogeochemical cycles; genomic, functional and evolutionary study of microbial ecosystems, ecology and evolution

Portrait of Will Harcombe Will Harcombe

Associate Professor, Department of Ecology, Evolution and Behavior

Microbial Engineering Graduate Program

Computational biology, Microbial physiology and systems biology

Microbial interactions, Eco-evolutionary dynamics, Systems biology

Portrait of Satoshi Ishii Satoshi Ishii

Associate Professor, Department of Soil, Water, and Climate

Microbial Engineering Graduate Program

Bioremediation and resource recovery, Microbial physiology and systems biology

Applied microbiology and biotechnology with focus on nitrogen pollution and occurrences of pathogens

Alex Khoruts headshot Alex Khoruts

Professor of Medicine, Department of Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition; Microbiology Immunology and Cancer Biology Program

Biomanufacturing, Bioremediation and resource recovery, Computational biology, Industrial biotechnology and bioprocessing, Microbial physiology and systems biology

Microbiota-host interactions in health and disease

Portrait of Linda Kinkel Linda Kinkel

Professor, Department of Plant Pathology

Bioremediation and resource recovery, Computational biology, Microbial physiology and systems biology

Ecology and evolutionary biology of plant-associated microbes